A link to a 2021 article - THE SOUND CAFE


Honoured to be a part of this event in Ottawa. The battle of Vimy Ridge was a defining moment in Canadian history.







Here is a link to the CTV and the RTV Oost (Holland) broadcast of the 70th Anniversary Commemoration Ceremony in Holten, Nehterlands. Forever You'll Be was performed by the Reijlink Band and they did a beautiful job. The song on CTV comes at around the 8 minute mark, and the Dutch link at 1:20:00 mark. It was a great honour to have the song sung at such a meaningful place.


RTV Oost



An article from the Lookout Magazine...

Musician Writes Songs for Soldiers of the Past

“I’ve thought about what happened at Dieppe for a long time,” says Michael Moore, a Canadian songwriter, musician, and teacher based in Toronto. “The fact that 6,000 soldiers, when they were crossing, had no idea what was coming, and how the Germans were entrenched in the shore ahead of them. They didn’t know what was […]